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Throughout my four years at UF, I was involved in many different organizations and attended many different events. These events opened my mind to the different issues around the world, and strengthened my skills. I am a better public speaker, coordinator and counselor thanks to my involvement. 

Vice President of External Affairs

The craziest year of college. 

As VP External, I was given the opportunity to work on many different skills. I coordinated with people and other organizations on events and event preparation. I was able to be the Master of Ceremony for events and give different talks to different organizations as the 'face of Islam on Campus'. We started many different events such as Paint Night and discussions. 

Project Downtown Gainesville

Giving back to the community

Project Downtown has been an organization that I've been involved with since my freshman year. I've perfected my Macaroni and Cheese recipe because of PD (Check out the video in Arabic). The way people look is so different from the way they are. You never know anyone's story and by volunteering and cooking for PD I learned how to listen to people, how to be more sympathetic. Sometimes people need someone to talk to and I've learned that listening is sometimes better than any plate of food offered. 

Muslim Youth of North America (MYNA)

The kids make me want to come back every year

For the past 2 years, I've had the honor of being a counselor of MYNA. Like PD, thanks to MYNA I've learned better ways of interacting with those younger than me. A lot of these kids are scared of the future and struggle reconciling their identity as Muslims and as Americans. Teaching kids how to be comfortable with themselves has made me excited for our future leaders. 

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